Logging Vs Nologging in Oracle

I want to share my experience in using Nologging. I am not going into the details like what is logging/nologging mode, what happens in logging/nologging mode etc, because there are many sites available in net, which explains about that. I just want to share my observations.

In one of my projects, I had load millions of data from one table to another table. The table got approximately 50 columns. Here the requirement is load the data and commit it. Without nologging, the insert statement took more than 8 hours to complete.

I have altered the destination table into nologging mode and inserted the data. Added APPEND hint to the insert statement. The insert statement execution completed in less than 3 hours.

Logging Vs Nologging

Once the required operation is completed its better to turn on the logging mode.

How to find whether a table is in logging mode or no logging mode? Following Select statement will display the table name and logging mode

SELECT table_name, logging FROM user_tables;
