Are We Going Back?

Flat File Vs XML

Those who worked in COBOL language, DBase or any other language to store the data in a DAT file, will know about that, the file can be opened from its location and the data can be views(unlike the data stored in a database). This DAT file will have an heading as the first row and the other rows are the data corresponding to each column.

If the same file is compared with and XML file, the data will be stored in the same column style but with in tags.

So, it can be compared with a flat DAT file with the data being enclosed in TAGs.

Dumb Terminals Vs Thin Client

Similarly, in old days, the server was a powerful system and dumb terminals (clients) were connected to the server from diff locations. The clients will send every request/operation to the server and the Sever will send the results back which was effecting the network traffic.

Later, in place of the dumb terminals, a smart client was introduced which can do the processing at the client place itself if the process/request does not require any server interaction or any information from the server. So the client, intelligently, decides whether it can server the request or not there by reducing the network traffic.

Now, the concept of Thin Client came in, where the clever client is replaced by a thin client whose price is very less compared to the smart client. Again its a trade-off between the network traffic and the price of the client. But the point here is, they have gone back to the old style of dumb client/terminal.
